About Passionfruit arts

Lisa's Story

The sweet spot where culinary arts, healing arts, and creative arts overlap is the wellspring for true nourishment.

Passionfruit Arts empowers people to create a life of deep nourishment in body, mind, and spirit. We believe living intentionally in relationship to food, art, and ceremony awakens your embodied spirit and innate creativity.

Holistic Nutritionist

My sisters and I were separated at a young age. I grew up living in a story of scarcity and abandonment. Longing to feed this constant heartache, I tried to fill this lack with food, which resulted in a distorted relationship to self-care and nourishment.

After years of consuming mass amounts of sugar, caffeine, and other junk in attempts to satisfy a deeper hunger, I became ill in body, mind, and spirit. I realized that I was abandoning my inner self and abusing my physical body. This awakening led me on a path of healing.

I discovered yoga, gardening and Earth based spirituality, which connected me to a greater sense of belonging and embodiment. I learned how to cook real food, and live in harmony with Nature.

Naropa University, biodynamic horticulture and sustainable communities major
Graduate degree, Integrative Nutritional Counseling
Certified Body Talk practitioner

Ceremonial Artist

By the time I had a family of my own I was living in intentional community, which fed my need for belonging. Motherhood fed my need for purpose. I made all our meals from scratch. I homeschooled the kids. It was fun, creative, and healing.

But, I still fantasized about the “wooden toy catalog” life. In this fantasy there were no family conflicts. Meals were always hot and ready. Life was sunny, creative, and relaxing all the time. In my fantasy world there was no stress and no mess. Internally, my life was far from that ideal.

My attempts to control the outside environment so that I felt safe inside eventually failed. I knew how to feed my body and take care of everyone else, but I was emotionally exhausted and spiritually starving. Mid-life transitions kicked my butt. Adrenal Fatigue. Back pain. Death in the family. Divorce. Career change. There was only one place to go and that was IN. To find my center, and fully embrace, love, and express the experience of my humanity.  To honor death, grief, and the mystery of life.

Through the practice of ceremonial arts and embodied spirituality, I uncovered deeper parts of myself that hungered for connection to something greater. I found my “safe seat” and learned to fill my cup from the inside. By connecting with the sacred, I re-membered myself.

Path of the Ceremonial Arts certified Priestess
20+ years of herb and flower ritual for healing (Balinese, Japanese and Brazilian folk medicine)
Apprenticed with The Natural Funeral in the art of family directed sacred death care

Soul Nourishment Mentor

After years of teaching people how to feed their bodies, I realized that what most people are hungry for is emotional/spiritual nourishment. When we truly love ourselves, and feel interconnected with Nature and life, we naturally choose self care.  

As a Soul Nourishment Mentor, I guide others to nourish the spirit through connecting to Nature, tending the unseen, and living in a state of deep receptivity (divine feminine) to be a channel of creative love.

It is simple to integrate holistic self care into everyday life using food, art, and ritual to sustain source connection. Living in harmony with our inner world enlivens the creative spirit.
Practice the art of soul nourishment, by CENTERING in the beauty of nature, CONNECTING with source, and CREATING a life fulfilled with intention, purpose, and meaning.

Certified Intentional Creativity Teacher
Certified Awakening Women Temple Facilitator
Lifelong student of The Beauty Way

“I was so blessed to have Lisa create and guide my pre wedding women’s ritual. She brings magic, power, beauty and deep reverence to ceremony space. She is profoundly creative and leads from extensive experience and love of ritual. The entire experience was personal, genuine, and heart felt. Even my shy relatives and friends were completely engaged and loved being a part of this celebration. I felt so nourished and rested on my wedding day because of this beautiful rite of passage.”

Ilyse Streim, RMT
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